Monday, August 30, 2004

Buggar Tom Brokaw

Tom Brokaw called the Republican National Convention "a con-game where the dealer always wins".
Apparently, they have given up even TRYING to look unbiased intheir desperation to oust G.W. Bush.

Fuck Tom Brokaw.


At 31/8/04 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I was watching when he said that, and, to his credit, that wasn't quite what he said.

He was actually referring to others calling the convention a game of some sort (I didn't catch the name of the game, something to do with three players or three cards or something like that), and then he said something like "But remember, in _______ the dealer always wins..."

They way he said it, it almost sounded like a compliment to the Reps.
I'm sure that can't be right though. It's Tom Brokaw for heaven's sake.


At 31/8/04 10:01 PM, Blogger littlejoe said...

It was three card monty that was referenced, and he was joyfully pretending to condemn the accusers, while still spreading their words.

At 26/8/06 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site
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