Monday, August 23, 2004

What a weekend.

The Galesberg Heritage Days event is over, and man am I glad I went. We got to the event friday evening, set up camp, and tried to make fire.

Take note: We are accomplished fire-starters, and it took us nearly two hours to get a decent fire going. Why?

I'm glad you asked, you see, the firewood provided for us at this event came from a railroad tie manufacturing plant. It was the unused ends of the ties, about one and a half feet square. Did I mention it was OAK? It took the combined efforts of everyone in camp, a pair of old socks, three clumps of kerosene soaked paper towels, and some envelopes soaked in gun oil to get the damn thing sputtering.

While we never really got nice orange flickering flames, we did get a coal-bed that could have been used to smelt iron. The flames shooting through the unused wood were blue/orange, and hissed like jet exhaust.

Other than the firey excitement, we had a ton of fun. I met some really cool 'vouers', and managed (with the help of Graumagus over at tip a canoe during the first 15 feet of a canoe race. We paid a visit to the "River Scum" camp, on saturday night, and sang songs, and shot the shit.
Sunday was a good lazy day too. It was the day of the (now infamous) sinking of the Scots, some wandering around shopping stalls we didn't see the day before, and a day that I stupidly forgot to wear 'ye olde sunscreen' so that as I sit here typing this, I can stare down at my poor burned feet, with their purplish hue.

All in all a very fun weekend. I hope we go back next year.


At 23/8/04 7:20 AM, Blogger Contagion said...

Damn, you're feet hit purple? that's gotta be uncomfortable (to make an understatement). Once I get a chance to update my site I'll have pictures of your swimming experience. :)

At 23/8/04 12:07 PM, Blogger Contagion said...

I should have the pictures up by tomorrow night at the latest So everyone can see you all in your wet glory, "Duncan".

And as for next year, there's not hoping, I'm going back. Althought I doubt we'll get the nice cool weather we got this year.

At 23/8/04 3:04 PM, Blogger Bou said...

"It took the combined efforts of everyone in camp, a pair of old socks" LOL! Old socks, huh?

Well I'm looking forward to these pictures, but it's too damn bad Contagion doesn't have streaming video so we can watch y'all tip in action. That's the nice thing about being a small person, it is so easy to keep the CG low. I rarely capsize.

At 24/8/04 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are absolutely going back next year! I'll plan on 100 degree temps however. At least they have showers so if it is that hot, I can de-stinkify.



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